We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give.
— Winston Churchill

Committees and Volunteer Opportunities

The Business Education Foundation is an all-volunteer organization. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of the youth of Bristol, we can use your skills and talents. Consider joining us by serving on one of our committees:

  • Events • Community Outreach • Fundraising •

We welcome you to participate in any Business Education Foundation supported program:

  • Become a Mentor

    The Bristol Board of Education Caring About People mentoring program was founded by Fred Soliani and the Bristol Chamber of Commerce in 1989.

  • Judge or Sponsor

    Judge or Sponsor the Middle School Robotics Challege, where students in the progrem learn to design and program robotic devices

  • Attend an Event

    Attend one of the many Business Education Foundation events including our Annual Trivia Night, Mini Grants Awards, Robotics Challenge