Inspiring Students Through Innovation

Supporting Bristol Public Schools’ mission to teach and learn with passion and purpose

The Business Education Foundation, through donations, grants and partnerships is able to fund programs not normally included in the school or City budget.

The Foundation also promotes partnerships that enable Bristol Public Schools to benefit from corporate grants and matching gifts. These partnerships educate the community on the needs of Bristol Public Schools and deepen community support.

Mini Grants Program

Mini-Grants are a way for educators to supplement activities and methods they wish to put into practice in their classrooms. Through an application process teachers or teams of teachers submit proposals, which can be no greater than $2,000, for review by the grants committee.

Caring About People

Mentors are important. Very few people make it in this world without the guidance and support that comes from some type of mentorship. The Bristol Board of Education Caring About People mentoring program was founded by Fred Soliani and the Bristol Chamber of Commerce in 1989.

Robotics and Technology

In 2007 the Bristol middle school technology teachers implemented a robotics curriculum to introduce middle school students to the field of technology. As part of the curriculum they learn to design and program robotic devices to meet specific needs and accomplish tasks.

WOW Mobile

The WOW Mobile is a mobile lending library that travels throughout the Bristol community for 8-weeks during the summer. The goal of WOW is to lessen the achievement-gap for under-resourced pre-kindergarten through third grade public school students by providing a free summer program that strengthens reading.

The Business Education Foundation is a collaboration between the Bristol Board of Education and the Central Connecticut Chambers of Commerce.


The Business Education Foundation (BEF) in partnership with Bristol Public Schools continue to work together to support wonderful programs taking place in our schools. This would not be possible without YOUR support — we are grateful to those who have helped us be a force for change and sustained growth within our excellent public school system.

The Business Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and donations are tax deductible

Donate Online

Click the Donate button below to make your donation online

Donate By Check

Please make checks payable to:
Business Education Foundation

Mail to:
Bristol Business Education Foundation
c/o Central Connecticut Chambers of Commerce
The Executive Suites
440 North Main Street
Bristol, CT 06010